My family likes to play this game where we write stories together. Each person gets a piece of paper and starts their story with one or a few sentences. Then all the stories are passed around in a circle and each person writes a new sentence to the story until they all reach the people who originally started the stories. We share so many laughs when we do this game, along with when we do that one dictionary game...
This is what we just did today and it was so funny. I thought I would share the results. One of the funniest things was that our grandpa doesn't usually do this with us, but since he was here he did. He took it so seriously and started his story about his own life (usually we aren't making stories about our own lives). It was HILARIOUS. When my sister and I had turns writing in that one, we laughed so hard because it was just so funny...I just wrote down three of them, but Lord-willing, will add the rest later! Because right now I am headed out to have coffee with my mom and sister Coley Kay (me biking and them rollerblading there)!!
Once upon a time
their there was a dog. He was a beautiful golden retriever with a brand new owner. It loved to eat glass and the owner got mad. Then he chased his tail till he fell down dizzy. The owner was getting very angry. he said, "Did I get a dog who is crazy in the head?" But, no matter, after all tea doesn't grow on bushes! The dizzy dog was crazy, so they brought him to the psychiatrist. The psychiatrist talked to the dog and had the owner train him to sit & stay then to heel as he walked him to the park to play. He ate fern the cat at the park. (brooke's story)
My life is full of happy times, talking with my coffee drinking friends at McDonald's. Sometimes we play in the play place because we're still young at heart. Trees and reports are a daily repertoire of our conversations. Wendy sometimes brings my coffee out too old & stale, but other than is still the same cheap coffee beans we all choke down. I still have fun laughing with my friends and we get a side ache after a while because we laugh so hard. That's why we all have six packs and thunder thighs.
What I really mean is that life is full and great with wonderful friends in spite of how the coffee is. I love to eat beans and sing the toot song (editor's note: he meant the song about beans "beans the magical fruit..." sorry about the inappropriateness of this, my brother was trying to be funny, I think). It makes my heart sing and dance. (Grandpa's story)
Brooke woke up to the sound of laughter. And the laughter was from the zunep band. This band played zunga music from the native jungle. Tomorrow it was going to the Jungle Mariachi Band and play with them in Japan. This story is the dumbest one I have ever read! (Grandpa wrote that last sentence.) Why is Brooke waking up to a native band laughing in her room..? Chaling was marinating in the oven. That is a native dish from the land of Ompalumpa where the Thing 1's, boondocks, and Dr. Seuss people are from. I guess she saw the movie about Ompalumpa land the night before, that is why she was laughing. She finally stopped laughing until she called her girlfriend and told her what happened then her & her girlfriend laughed so hard they they rolled around on the floor. (matthew's story)