Through this I pray and plead that God would rend the heavens and cause His church to grow to perfection in Him and living as we are made to be, in the center of His will.
I am the half-breed descendent of Alabama rednecks and Japanese immigrants. So I like my sushi deep-fried. More importantly, I'm a Christian whose life has been transformed by Jesus Christ. I work full-time as a pastor doing my best to tell people about Jesus and to teach them how to live for his glory.
My story started in the last days of 1974. I was born in Dayton, Ohio, to Gregg and Sono Harris. Our family moved to Gresham, Oregon, when I was eight. In the following years my father became an influential speaker and writer in the early homeschool movement.
Like many children raised in a Christian home, it's hard for me to pinpoint when I was saved. But some time around age 14 I was born again. I followed my dad into public speaking when I was seventeen. In God's kindness, I was enthusiastically received at my dad's conferences, and began conducting my own events for teens. I also started New Attitude Magazine, a quarterly publication for homeschooled teenagers.
In 1997, I relocated from Oregon to Gaithersburg, Maryland, to serve as a pastoral intern under C.J. Mahaney, senior pastor of Covenant Life Church. I was motivated by a desire to be mentored and a growing conviction about the importance of the local church. I ended publication of the magazine, moved in with C.J.'s family, and immersed myself in Covenant Life. That same year, my first book was released.
It was at Covenant Life that I met my wonderful wife Shannon. We were married in the fall of 1998.
In 1999, I worked with a small team to launch the first national New Attitude conference—a worship and teaching gathering for young adults. Recently renamed NEXT the vision of the conference is to see the truth of the gospel transferred to the next generation. My goal is to introduce people to the teachers who have shaped my understanding of God's word. I hope you can join us at the upcoming NEXT conference over Memorial Day weekend.
In 2004, I assumed the role of senior pastor at Covenant Life. I love the people of this church and hope to grow old preaching God's word here. I serve alongside an incredible team of pastors who I count among my dearest friends. Together with the people of our church we're seeking to build a gospel-centered and gospel-proclaiming body that makes disciples and loves and serves the community around us.
Our church is part of the family of churches known as Sovereign Grace, a ministry devoted to planting and supporting local churches, with a strong doctrinal basis that is evangelical, Reformed, and charismatic.
I'm a member of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW). I'm also on the council of The Gospel Coalition.
God has graciously allowed me to write five books. My newest book is called Dug Down Deep. It's my own story of learning to build my life on truth about God.
Shannon and I have been blessed with three children—two girls, with a little boy in between. God has been kind, and continues to give us grace as we raise our young family. Please pray for us when you think of our family and local church. And if you're ever near Washington, D.C., please come visit us at Covenant Life.
Photos by Lydia Jane and Kristen Leigh Photography.
Here is the post from his blog that I wanted to share (
"Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down..." Isaiah 64:1
"When God rends the heavens and comes down on his people, a divine power achieves what human effort at its best fails to do. God's people thirst for the ministry of the Word and receive it with tender meltings of soul. The grip of the enslaving sin is broken. Reconciliation between believers is sought and granted. Spiritual things, rather than material things, capture people's hearts. A defensive, timid church is transformed into a confident army. Believers joyfully suffer for their Lord. They treasure usefulness to God over career advancement. Communion with God is avidly enjoyed. Churches and Christian organizations reform their policies and procedures. People who had always been indifferent to the gospel now inquire anxiously. And this type of spiritual movement draws in not just the isolated straggler here and there but large numbers of people. A wave of divine grace washes over the church and spills out into the world. That is what happens when God comes down. And that is how we should pray for the church today."
- Ray Ortlund, When God Comes to Church
From Ultimately from God.
- Ray Ortlund, When God Comes to Church
From Ultimately from God.
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